First United Methodist Church Preschool
FUMC Preschool thrives to provide a happy and loving environment where each child feels special. Teachers will collaborate to build a curriculum that will enhance the goals and objectives with developmentally appropriate play, center time and activities. Children will be evaluated once a semester to see how they have progressed. We follow the USD 457 school calendar and share the same holiday and break schedule.
3 Year-Old Preschool
Days: Tuesday and Thursday
Time: 9:00 – 11:00 AM
Teacher: Ms. Lisa Stein and Ms. Kerry Unruh
Tuition: $80/month – Sept. thru May
Requirements: Child must be 3 on or before Sept. 1, 2023 and potty trained.
Goals & Objectives
- Understanding that God made you and you are special and valuable
- Understanding that Jesus is God’s son
- Understanding that Jesus loves you
- Recognition of numbers 1-5
- Count 1-10
- Recognition of colors
- Recognition of shapes
- Introduction to letter sounds
- Introduction to capital letters
- Recognition of own first name
- Able to write some letters from own name
4 Year-Old Preschool
Days: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Time: 9:00 – 11:30 AM
Teacher: Ms. Lisa Stein and Ms. Kerry Unruh
Tuition: $100/month – Sept. thru May
Requirements: Child must be 4 on or before Sept. 1, 2023
Goals & Objectives
- Understanding that God made you and you are special and valuable
- Understanding that Easter and Christmas are special church seasons
- Understanding that Jesus is our example for life
- Recognition of numbers 1-20
- Count 1-20
- Write numbers 1-10
- Recognition of shapes
- Recognition of capital and lowercase letters
- Produce letter sounds
- Able to write own name

Drop Off & Pick Up
Drop off begins at 8:50 AM. Please bring your child to the classroom via the main entrance of the north side of the church and sign your child “in” on the sign-in sheet provided by the teacher. Teachers will dismiss from the east doors by Daylight Donuts.
Absences & Inclement Weather
If your child is sick or will be gone from school, please call the FUMC office or text your teacher. In case of inclement weather, we will close if USD 457 closes.
Field Trips
Field trips will be scheduled by the teacher. Parents will be notified by the teacher about the date, time, and place. Parents are required to sign the permission form for off-premises trips.