We are glad you stopped by and hope that we can be of help in planning your first visit!
Below you will find information on what to expect and answers to many common questions.
If you don’t find what you are looking for, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Worship Services
We offer twodifferent worship experiences for our congregation to better serve their needs. Below you will find schedules specific to each service.
Saturday Night Light – 4:00 PM, Chapel
Sunday Morning Worship – 9:30 AM, Sanctuary
Sunday School for all ages – 10:30 AM, classrooms listed below
Saturday Service
Saturday Night Light
Saturdays | 5:30 PM | Chapel
Our Saturday evening service is a smaller, more intimate service which is held in our Chapel. This is a very traditional service and is typically less than an hour. Upon arrival you can enter our automatic doors from the driveway and then head to the right of the Welcome Center. The chapel is on the west side of our sanctuary.
Sunday Services
Sundays | 9:30 AM | Sanctuary
Childcare available
Our Service takes place in our main Sanctuary at 9:30 AM on Sundays. Our sermon for the day is lead by Rev. Jim Akins. Our Children’s Ministry Director, Missy Allen, also gives a children’s message during service and during service we offer Children’s Church, a time that the children can gather upstairs for their own lessons and activities. Music is a blend between contemporary praise music, brought to us by our Praise Team, as well as hymns from our United Methodist Hymnals and The Faith We Sing songbooks.

Children’s Church
Sundays | 9:30 AM | Sanctuary
Children ages 4 through 4th grade are invited to join us for Children’s Church. This program is designed to transition our children from staying in the nursery to staying for the full service. They will participate in service for our Welcome message, a few songs, our Children’s message and prayers. After that they will be invited to join Miss Missy for Children’s Church upstairs. During this time they will participate in activities and bible lessons. They return to service at the end our the sermon.

Nursery is available for ages infant to 3 years old from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM. Older children are welcome as necessary. Our nursery care workers are Safe Gathering Certified and background checked. We use KidCheck, a childcare check in system, to maintain safe drop off and pick up. If you are new to this program, please give yourself a few extra minutes to register your kids. If you have further questions about childcare, please reach out to our Children’s Ministry Director, Missy Allen, at (620) 275-9171 or missy@fumcgc.com.

Sunday School
Sundays | 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
We offer Sunday School for all ages and meet in various classrooms.
Children’s Sunday Schools can be found in the following rooms:
Infant to 2 year old’s can be dropped off in the nursery, room 108.
2 & 3 year old’s meet in room 110
Pre-K & Kindergarten meet in room 208
1st & 2nd Grade meet in room 210
3rd & 4th Grade meet in room 212
5th & 6th Grade meet in room 217
7th – 12th Grade meet in the basement – At times we have other activities for middle school and high school kids, but we can direct them where to head during your visit!
During the summer months we condense our classes, so they may not be found in the above rooms, but please still come as we do have lessons and activities for everyone!
PreK – 6th Grade meet in room 208
Adult Sunday Schools also meet during this hour. There are many groups that follow different curriculum based on their stage of life and interests. We can help direct you to one that would suit you, or you can try several out!

Welcome Center Fellowship
Sundays | 9 AM to Noon
We serve coffee, hot tea, hot chocolate and bottled water in our Welcome Center during our Sunday Services. And thanks to Prairie Fire Coffee Roasters, we also have a cappuccino machine! Arrive a few minutes early to enjoy some fellowship over a beverage!

Things to Know
Who WE Are
Interested in learning more about what we believe?
Check out our Who We Are page to learn more about our congregation and what Methodism is all about!
Your Arrival
We are located on the corner of Main Street and Kansas Avenue and our parking lot is located on the north side of our building. To enter the Welcome Center, you may enter through the automatic doors from the parking lot. On Sunday mornings you may enter the Sanctuary directly from the back by entering the building from the south side by Kansas Avenue.
We practice communion by intinction on the first Sunday of every month. All are welcome to partake with us. If you would prefer to receive a blessing, please come forward with your arms crossed. A gluten & dairy free option is available and we can come to your seat if you aren’t able to come forward.
What to Expect
Come as you are, all are welcome! We are a diverse congregation seeking to be The Hands of Jesus Christ and to grow in faith together. We would love to get to know you and take the next steps with you!
Worship Online
Our Sunday Morning Worship Service is livestreamed on YouTube.
Check out our YouTube page!