We have many opportunities here at First United Methodist Church to get involved and be the hands of Jesus.
Worship Ministries 
Vocal Musician: If you are gifted in song or just love to sing we invite you to join our chancel choir or praise band as a singer. 
Contact Sean Boller for information.
Instrument Musician: We are always looking for more people to join us who play a musical instrument!
Contact Sean Boller for more information.
Bernadine Bell Choir Ringer: The Bernadine Bell Choir is a long standing tradition here at FUMC. They put on special performances through out the year in both the church and the community.
Contact Sean Boller for more information. 
Sound System Operator: If your gifts are not with performing music, but you still want to be involved somehow, consider operating the sound for a service on Sunday! 
Contact Sean Boller for more information. 
Computer Operator: If you want to be involved in the worship service, but want to ease into the responsibility of a bigger role, consider running the service slides for a Sunday!
Contact Sean Boller for more information.
Children’s  Ministries 
Preschool Board: Oversee and provide guidance to the preschool.
Nursery: Care for children in a safe environment.
Parent’s Day Out: Care for children during our Parent’s Day Out event that takes place Monday’s from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 
Bible Zone: Disciple children on Wednesday nights during the school year.
Sunday school teacher: Teach Children Sunday mornings after Church
Contact Missy Allen if you are interested in any of these ministries. 
Youth  Ministries 
Sunday evening youth group helper: Assist our youth directors with youth group activities that take place Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m. 
Confirmation Volunteer: Assist youth directors with discipling 7th graders at 9:30 a.m. on Sundays (September – April).
Contact Missy Allen if you are interested in any of these ministries. 
Adult Ministries 
Lead or Co Lead a small group: we always have groups forming here at FUMC to spiritually feed our congregation. Sign up to co lead a small group of your own!
United Methodist Women: Women’s outreach responsible for putting on several events fundraising events throughout the year such as the Labor of Love Holiday Market. 
United Methodist Men: Men’s outreach responsible for putting on several events fundraising events throughout the year such as the Groundhog supper, which takes place the last Tuesday in January. 
Congregational  Care  Ministries
Card Senders Team: Volunteer your time by sending cards to a select group of people for various reasons
Prayer  Ministries
Be on Prayer Chain List: Praying for others who are in specific need of it (confidentiality required)
Prayer Warriors: Attend prayer service at 6:30 p.m. on the 1st Sunday of the month.
Broken Chain Ministry: Meets 1st and 3rd Sunday afternoons to worship and pray with members of the Finney County Jail (background check required)